PTA Treasurer’s Finance Procedures for 2024-2025
Please consult with Erin Bass, QRPTA Treasurer, or the executive committee member overseeing your committee, to find out your committee’s budget. DO NOT GO OVER BUDGET without prior authorization from the treasurer and/or president. A few things to note:
- The PTA is a tax-exempt organization. Do not pay sales tax when making PTA purchases, as the PTA cannot reimburse for it. Please request a copy of the tax-exempt form from the treasurer or the executive committee member overseeing your committee. This form is NOT posted on our website.
- Provision of food and/or beverages for volunteers and committee members at meetings is at the discretion of the committee and is not a reimbursable expense.
- To be reimbursed for PTA expenses, please FIRST submit vouchers with dated receipts, invoices, bills, or contracts promptly to the EC member for approval. They will then submit to the Treasurer for payment once approved. See below for more specific directions on how to have expenses paid from your committee’s budget.
- Please deliver all cash and checks to the treasurer as soon as possible so they can be processed and deposited promptly.
- The treasurer has a mailbox in the Quaker Ridge front office that she checks regularly. You can also email completed vouchers and corresponding documentation.
The PTA fiscal year ends on June 30, 2025. Receipts submitted after that date will not be reimbursed and will be considered a donation to the PTA.
Thank you for your cooperation!
Making Purchases On Behalf Of The PTA And Obtaining Reimbursement
The PTA books close as of June 30, 2025. You must submit your expense vouchers in a timely fashion.
PTA members who spend their own money in furtherance of authorized PTA activities are entitled to reimbursement.
Please submit requests for reimbursement/payment as soon as possible and not later than June 30, 2025. Expense vouchers submitted after June 30th cannot be honored.
*SALES TAX CANNOT BE PAID OR REIMBURSED BY THE PTA* To avoid being billed for sales tax, present a copy of the tax-exempt form to the vendor at the time of purchase.
Please follow these procedures to enable the PTA to reimburse you:
- Complete an expense voucher, which is available to download here.
- Attach the vendor’s dated invoice (or signed contract) itemizing the nature and price of the goods and services for which the reimbursement is sought. The PTA will be unable to reimburse you if you submit proof of payment (e.g., credit card/debit card receipt, copy of a check, etc.) without the required vendor’s receipt.
In some cases, payment directly to a vendor is appropriate. To request direct payment by the PTA treasurer to a vendor, please follow these procedures:
- Complete an expense voucher (see above).
- Attach the vendor’s dated invoice or signed contract, itemizing the nature and price of the goods or services for which payment is requested.
Submit all expense vouchers, with attached receipts/invoices to the EC member who oversees your committee for approval. They will submit to the treasurer for payment. Submissions may be emailed to the treasurer, by placing the documents in the treasurer's mailbox in the QR front office, or by dropping them off at the treasurer's home.
Your committee chairperson, who is responsible for ensuring that expenses are consistent with the committee’s authorized budget, must approve all expenditures. Prior authorization from the PTA president is required for spending in excess of the applicable budget line.
Depositing Money to the PTA
This note is primarily for committee chairs that handle large numbers of checks or cash (e.g., special events and clothing sales). When receiving checks, please make sure they contain the following:
- Student first and last name (especially critical when the name differs from the parent’s name)
- Correct dollar amount
- Verify that the check is made out to “QRPTA" or "Quaker Ridge PTA"
List each check with the name, check number, and amount, along with a total of the amount of all checks to be deposited. Also, count out the cash by denomination and tally as appropriate. An Income Tally Sheet for these purposes can be found here. The treasurer will verify this total and then the checks will be deposited into the bank account.
DO NOT LEAVE CASH IN THE PTA MAILBOX. Please email the treasurer to coordinate a time and place to hand off cash.
For all questions or clarifications, please contact Erin Bass, PTA Treasurer.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 24
- Tuesday, March 25
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
- Friday, March 28
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3
- Friday, April 4
- Monday, April 7
- Tuesday, April 8
- Wednesday, April 9