Here's a handy cheat sheet to help parents new to Quaker Ridge
with navigating our school, our PTA and the Scarsdale School District.
Useful Links
Terms You May Encounter and What They Mean
ASC: After School Club Program run by the PTA.
EBLAST: The weekly newsletter from the PTA the highlights upcoming relevant dates and events.
EC: Quaker Ridge's PTA Executive Committee is comprised of parent volunteers, 2 faculty members, and Dr. Gil to oversee the PTA programs and ensure communication between the parent community and the QRS faculty and administration.
DISMISSAL MANAGER: The app that parents use to inform the teachers/administration/buses what your child's dismissal plan is for that day. The app is also used to report absences/late arrivals/early pick-ups.
INFINITE CAMPUS/PARENT PORTAL/CAMPUS BACKPACK: The website that the Scarsdale Union Free School District uses to communicate with families. This is the website where class lists and report cards are posted and where you will schedule parent/teacher conferences.
MTK: Membership Toolkit (THIS SITE 😄 ) is the site that that the QRPTA uses for EVERYTHING. This site is your gateway to the Quaker Ridge universe - it's where you will find our school directory, register for ASCs and and register/pay for all PTA events.
NUTRISLICE: The app used to order lunch.
PTA: Parent Teacher Association
PTC: Parent Teacher Council, the umbrella organization over all seven Scarsdale PTA units. The PTC informs and advises the Scarsdale PTAs as they fulfill their mission of promoting the welfare of Scarsdale students.
@QRSPRIDE/#QRSPRIDE: The PTA's instagram account where we highlight what makes Quaker Ridge such a special place to be. We also post reminders for upcoming deadlines and events. Use #QRSPRIDE to share your images with the Instagram account.
SCARSDALE REC: Please see the Scarsdale Recreation Department website to learn about town programming including recreational sports, summer camps, and swimming pool access and to sign up for the Recreation Department's e-mail list.
Y.W.W.: Young Writer's Workshop - YWW is a longstanding tradition for our 3rd-5th graders, and it is the Scarsdale PTC's biggest fundraiser of the year. Children, parents, and community members from all five elementary schools come together for a day with a keynote author and various fun writing workshops.
Upcoming Events
- Monday, March 24
- Tuesday, March 25
- Wednesday, March 26
- Thursday, March 27
- Friday, March 28
- Monday, March 31
- Tuesday, April 1
- Wednesday, April 2
- Thursday, April 3
- Friday, April 4
- Monday, April 7
- Tuesday, April 8
- Wednesday, April 9